Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Bardwell Road Centre Podcast

Hi! This is to introduce you to "PODCASTS" Podcats are short radio programs made by common people like you and me. In this posting I'm really happy to introduce a group of students and teachers from Bardwell Road Centre in England, who record and post to the internet a series of short podcasts. They are basically short interviews on different topics. Here you have an example:

Click here to get your own player.

To visit their postcast site go to:
The Bardwell Road Centre Podcast

Well, have fun listening to these students who are like you in this adventure of learning a new language. Hope you like it!



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Webinar Internacional de la Universidad Yacambú

 La Universidad Yacambú , institución de educación superior ubicada en la ciudad de Barquisimeto - Venezuela con más de 27 años de experi...