Friday, August 04, 2006

Meet Raul.... a musician...EFL student

Hi, my name's Raul Struve but everybody calls me Rauli, I'm from Maracaibo, originally. I'm 21 years old and I study electronic engineering at URBE. I live in Maracaibo in Milagro Norte Street.

I love music, mainly rock and jazz music, also playing soccer and video games with my friends, my family, pizza and play the guitar. I'm in a band. Our band's name is INCIERTO. I'm a composer.

I hate listening to Reggeton, smoking, war, envy, injustice and to eat liver.

My dream is to graduate in electronic engineering and to be able to live on music and production, also travelling and learning about new cultures, traditions and their music.

My opinion about English… I think English is very important as much for my career and plans.

Interview: Francisco Padron

He's name's Francisco Padron. He's 25 year old. He likes music, to play baseball, watch TV and his town. He hates war, injustice, smoking, lies and eggplant.

His dream is to graduate from mass communication school.

His opinion about English… is very important to work, in all the companies people need employes who speak English.

Interview: Paola

Her name's Paola. I'm 22 years old. She loves to play volleyball, eating hamburger and strawberries. She hates… cleaning her house, getting up early and listening to rock.

Her dream is to get married, and to find a good job as a lawyer.

Her opinion about English… She thinks English is the most important language of all because if you speak English you are able to live anywhere.

!!!! My favourite web site!!! Please, visit me there and leave a comment.

Bye Bye !!! see u

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